The HiRoader 2023 Year in Review
December 7, 2023
It’s that time of year again—time to celebrate HiRoad customers for another year of mindful driving. We also want to highlight what we’ve been working on behind the scenes to make sure your experience with us and the HiRoad app is positive and encouraging.
Plus, we’ll share some insights into what HiRoad customers can expect from us in the year of 2024 (you’ll want to stick around).
The impact HiRoad drivers made in 2023
There’s no better way to start than by showing off our HiRoad drivers and the
big impact they helped make on the road. With a little number crunching and computing, our data team has the deets on the impact HiRoaders made in 2023.Beep, boop, beep, boop.
Trips taken
Trips taken using the HiRoad app are everything. As a HiRoader, when you log a trip and drive safely with the app, you’re on your way to earning savings on your insurance bill—which, in 2023, is a pretty big deal. For the year, each HiRoad driver exceeded our expectations with how many trips they took with the app. Take a look:

Those numbers add up. When you put all of those trips together, you’re talking about thousands of trips taken collectively by HiRoad customers. Quick question, where did your car trips take you this year?
Annual mileage
The odometer not only highlights the miles, it’s a reminder of the memories you made this year. Did you, like many of us, experience some of your best memories of 2023 on the road?
Whether it was a solo drive with no destination in mind, running errands with the kids or a road trip with their favorite passengers, HiRoaders made every mile worth it. Here’s a glimpse of the miles HiRoad customers logged in 2023:

To put things into perspective, that 17K miles could take you from Arizona to Rhode Island six times.
HiRoad driving score averages
Distraction Free, Driving Patterns, Safe Speeds and Smooth Driving—for HiRoad customers, these driving scores may be familiar. For those that aren’t, these four driving scores are an essential part of earning your (potential) monthly discount on your insurance bill.
With the power of telematics and the tech in your phone, we utilize data to highlight key areas of driving behaviors that ultimately result in potential savings and safer roads. HiRoaders showed up in big ways when it related to their driving scores, take a look:

And in case you were curious, the higher the driving score (driving safe, smooth and avoiding distractions), the bigger the savings. With these averages, HiRoad drivers are proof that mindful driving pays off in more ways than one.
What was HiRoad up to in 2023?
Our HiRoader recap is focused on the good moves our HiRoad drivers made on the road in 2023, but it’s also a time for us to showcase the work we’ve done behind the scenes to make the HiRoad experience memorable for customers.
HiRoad app updates
In 2022, we made some notable changes within the HiRoad app that help customers feel more recognized and rewarded for their good driving. This year (2023), we took it a step further and developed some newsworthy features and additions in the HiRoad app to continue our mission to help drivers increase their focus, drive with safety in mind and feel more rested and ready when they get behind the wheel.
These in-app challenges and activities were created to provide opportunities for customers to be less stressed, more focused and in tune with their driving moments. Throughout 2023, we added new challenges to the HiRoad app, all crafted to help improve mindful driving and living—some even include rewards like a credit on your bill once completed. Which new challenges arrived in our app in 2023? Here’s a quick list:
Mindful Breathing
Hands-Off Phone
Driving Focus
With these challenges, HiRoaders can set personal goals and commit themselves to practicing safe, distraction-free driving. To know more about the challenges themselves and the exciting things HiRoad is doing within the app itself, stay tuned. There’s more to come!
Refer a friend program
In the app we launched our referral program, an easy way for HiRoad customers to refer up to two friends within the app and earn rewards if those friends get a policy and drive with HiRoad.
This program gives mindful HiRoaders the opportunity to share a good experience with others who they think are drivers that would benefit from our type of behavior-based and rewarding car insurance.
The year presented a lot of opportunities for our HiRoad team to engage and reward customers for doing their part on the road to make it a safer place to be. With these challenges launching in 2023, we saw just how strong this commitment to safer roads is among HiRoad drivers.
We didn’t stop there. In 2023, our HiRoad team also included an easy way for eligible customers to add Renters insurance too, right from the app.
Lastly, as always, HiRoad has committed to finding ways to stay present within our communities and make a positive impact on and off the road. From our collaborations with Arizona local artists and companies like GasBuddy to donations to good causes, we’re continuing our work to create ripples of good.
Another year with HiRoad
Now that we’re coming to an end of this recap, we wanted to let you in on what we have planned in 2024 for HiRoad customers. To keep the app experience as streamlined and accessible, we’ll be launching new updates and activities for drivers to build on their good driving habits and lead a more mindful life.
From our team here at HiRoad, we can’t wait to see where this new year takes you and us.
*Based on average monthly discounts off of base rate in Rhode Island between 10/1/2020 and 9/30/2021, determined by driving scores of users logging trips using the HiRoad App.
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